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Victorious Worship&Word is a ministry that generates a platform for individuals to showcase, minister, and exercise their God-given gifts. We have created an atmosphere where one can worship unadulterated, unashamed, and unhindered. Established in 2014, Victorious Worship&Word's mission is to encourage, edify & educate young believers for kingdom work. Our vision is to support emerging leaders walk in their identity both spiritually and academically. This is more than an event or experience, it's a hub where we can network and truly fellowship with one another. One has the opportunity to discover aspiring and rising new talent, broaden their connections with different ministries, and hear about the on-goings of the community at large. Please join us at our next upcoming worship encounter and experience Victorious Worship&Word for yourself.

Scarov D. Victor
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Pastor Scarov D. Victor was saved at the age of 18 years young and later at the age of 20, became baptized. Pastor Victor received his Bachelor’s degree at Kean University and a Master's of Divinity from Indiana Wesley University. He got married in 2017 to his beautiful wife Cashna D. Victor, whom he courted for 4 years. He formerly and faithfully served as Youth pastor of the Young & Young Adults ministry at Newborn Wesleyan Church in Newark, NJ. As of 2019, is a member of the First Haitian Church of God, located in Trenton, New Jersey, under the direction of Bishop Joseph Noncent. He devotedly serves as The Encounter Worship Service Coordinator, and Sunday School Teacher, and is the Youth & Young Adults Discipleship Director. Some of the roles Pastor Scarov operates are mentor, youth consultant, church liaison, and public speaker. 


Moreover, in 2020, he became an officially licensed minister with the Church of God serving as Reverend. The ministry God has given him has allowed him to minister in states such as Georgia, New York, Indiana, North Carolina, and all over New Jersey. He has a desire for the Youth and Young Adults Ministry, and a passion for helping his community. He also is an avid advocate for education and instrumental in creating mentors, disciples, and leaders. He founded Victorious Worship&Word in 2014, wanting to create a platform for young people to showcase their God-given gifts and talents and support their education endeavors by creating the Victorious Living Endowment Scholarship.

Cashna D. Victor
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Cashna D. Victor is a God-fearing and devoted wife, educator, and friend to many. In 2014, she earned her Bachelor’s degree at William Paterson University, and soon after she pursued her Master’s degree at the University of Pennsylvania. While embarking on her academics, she continued to work for the Kingdom of God and discovered her passion for working with the youth. Currently, she serves as a middle school Sunday school teacher and is a part of the praise and worship team at her local church. During the pandemic, the Lord placed on her heart to start the Victorious Academics Tutoring Services.


Victorious Academics Tutoring Services.
Offers students K-12 assistance in reading and writing.
For a consultation, please send an email to,

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Viviane Racine
Worship Coordinator

Viviane Racine graduated from Rutgers University in May of 2021 where she received her bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management. She is now furthering her education at Rutgers University where she plans to obtain her master's in Labor & Employment Relations. She serves as one of the worship coordinators at her local church. Her favorite thing to do is WORSHIP! Aside from that, she loves spending time with her family & friends. 

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Jessica Toussaint
Social Media Manager

Meet Jessica Toussaint, our Worship & Word Social Media Manager. She’s a dedicated Health Administrator, and Founder of Toussaint Career Solutions. With a heart for service and a passion for faith-driven leadership, Jessica has built a reputation for excellence in Career Development while remaining firmly rooted in her faith. She’s committed to making a positive impact by inspiring and empowering others through Career Excellence. In her role as the Social Media Manager for our ministry, Worship and Word, Jessica will bring her unique blend of professional expertise and spiritual insight to the digital realm. She’s dedicated to fostering an online community that uplifts, encourages, and connects believers from all walks of life. Outside of her professional endeavors, Jessica finds joy in exploring new experiences, such as restaurants and traveling, and savoring the beauty of God's creation. Her vibrant spirit and unwavering dedication to her faith are evident in everything she does, both professionally and personally. Join us in celebrating Jessica's inspiring journey of faith, service, and professional excellence as she leads the charge in spreading the message of faith and hope through Worship and Word's online platforms.

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

1 Peter 2:9 NKJV


"Empowering, Educating, & Equipping the Elect

for Kingdom Excellence"


- Scarov D. Victor 

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see,
that the oppressed will be set free,"

- Luke 4:18 NLT

Scholarship Registration

The Victorious Living Scholarship is accepting applications until 03/24/2025.

To apply, please take the time to fill out the information below.

© 2024 Victorious Worship&Word. Created with Ruth Shamma Creatives

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